Deploying Go as a binary on Heroku

December 26, 2015

Here are the steps to deploy a "Hello World" Go app on Heroku as a binary - rather than the method outlined in their tutorial which uses GoDeps.

These instructions are based somewhat on those for the heroku-binary-buildpack.

  1. Create a Heroku app for the project:

     create APP_NAME --buildpack
  2. Setup the working directory by cloning from the Heroku remote:

     heroku git:clone --app APP_NAME
  3. Create a simple Go app, server.go:

     package main
     import (
     func handler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
         fmt.Fprintf(w, "Hello World. Path: %v", r.URL.Path[1:])
     func main() {
         fmt.Printf("Port: %v\n", os.Args[1])
         http.HandleFunc("/", handler)
         http.ListenAndServe(":"+os.Args[1], nil)
  4. Compile the app for Linux 64bit:

     CGO_ENABLED=0 GOOS=linux GOARCH=amd64 go build
  5. Create a bin directory and move the Linux binary into it - called server or something similar.

     mkdir bin
     mv APP_NAME bin/server
  6. Create a simple Procfile in the project root to run the app under a web dyno.

     web: program $PORT
  7. Add the app's bin directory to the PATH on Heroku:

     heroku config:set PATH=/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/app/bin
  8. Commit the lot and push it to Heroku:

     git add --all
     git commit -m "First Commit"
     git push heroku master
  9. Scale the app on Heroku:

     heroku ps:scale web=1
  10. Open the app that's now running:

    heroku open

Todo #

  • Devise a way to keep the binary out of version control, likely using a temporary release branch to push to the Heroku master.