Backing up Instagram

March 4, 2018

I enjoy using Instagram to share my photos. The restricted feature-set; public-by-default; similarities to Twitter & (original) square format constraint all appeal.

Last year I completed a #365photochallenge on Instagram. Over the year, this took quite a lot of effort. As I switched to posting photos on the day they were taken it became clear to me that this was a valuable record of my activities for years to come.

This prompted me to find a way to extract a copy of the data I was creating and managing via Instagram. It turns out this is surprisingly hard.

I originally started using Zapier/IFTTT to save photos, as they were taken, into my Dropbox. Sadly, these services stopped saving the full-res images and sometimes missed posts(?). This also only saved new images - really I wanted my entire catalogue including all images and metadata.

I tried using Airtable and Zapier for the metadata but found the Zapier free tier too limited and their plans too expensive. This also only worked new posts.

I tried various Instagram media downloader extensions for Chrome; these save the images but not the data. I also wanted the process to be largely automated which this wasn't.

I found a project called InstaLooter and opted to use that when I saw it was also able to save json post data.

This is the process: first, download the json post data in instaLooter to a looted_json folder.

instaLooter USERNAME looted_json -v -D -T {date}-{id} --new --time thisyear
# or in docker
docker run -v "$(pwd)/looted_json:/out" -it python:alpine3.6 sh -c "pip install instaLooter && ls /out && instaLooter USERNAME /out -v -D -T {date}-{id} --new --time thisyear"

Next, fill out the data by visiting each post's public page. Save the completed data in completed_json.

#!/usr/bin/env ruby

require "json"
require "date"
require "open-uri"

Dir.glob("looted_json/*") do |file|
  completed_file_name = "completed_json/#{file.split("/").last}"

  next if File.exists?(completed_file_name)
  puts file

  raw_data = JSON.parse(

  doc = open("{raw_data["code"]}").read
  page_data = doc.scan(/\{[^\n]+\}/).map { |r| JSON.parse(r) rescue nil }.compact.first
  graph_image = page_data.dig(*%w(entry_data PostPage)).first.dig(*%w(graphql shortcode_media))

  caption = graph_image["edge_media_to_caption"]["edges"].first["node"]["text"] rescue ""
  tags = caption.scan(/#\w+/).uniq

  completed_data = {
    id: raw_data["id"],
    code: raw_data["code"],
    display_url: graph_image["display_url"],
    media_url: raw_data["is_video"] ? graph_image["video_url"] : graph_image["display_url"],
    post_url: "{raw_data["code"]}",
    is_video: raw_data["is_video"] == true,
    caption: caption,
    location: graph_image["location"],
    tags: tags,
    timestamp: raw_data["date"],
    dimensions: raw_data["dimensions"]

  File.write(completed_file_name, JSON.pretty_generate(completed_data))

I have an optional step here to download the location data. Using the location data from each post, I can get a list of all the locations used and visit each page on the Instagram site to get it's coordinates. All the locations are saved as their own json file in a locations folder.

#!/usr/bin/env ruby

require "json"
require "open-uri"

Dir.glob("completed_json/*").map do |file|
end.uniq.compact.each do |location|
  puts location["name"]

  location_file_name = "locations/#{location["id"]}.json"

  next if File.exists?(location_file_name)

  html = open("{location["id"]}").read
  page_data = html.scan(/\{[^\n]+\}/).map { |r| JSON.parse(r) rescue nil }.compact.first
  location_data = page_data.dig(*%w(entry_data LocationsPage)).first["location"]

  location.merge!(lat: location_data["lat"], long: location_data["lng"])

  File.write(location_file_name, JSON.pretty_generate(location))

Finally, all that's left to download is the media files (images and videos). Luckily, we have all the information we need in our completed_json files.

#!/usr/bin/env ruby

require "json"
require "open-uri"
require "fileutils"

Dir.glob("completed_json/*") do |file|
  data = JSON.parse(

  format = data["is_video"] == true ? "mp4" : "jpg"

  media_file_name = "media/#{file.split("/").last.gsub("json", format)}"

  next if File.exists?(media_file_name)
  puts data["post_url"]

    File.write(media_file_name, open(data["media_url"]).read)
    FileUtils.touch media_file_name, mtime: data["timestamp"]
    puts "#{media_file_name} Failed"
    File.delete(media_file_name) if File.exists?(media_file_name)

Now you'll also have a media folder with all media in!

The 'posting experience' on Instagram is the most satisfying I've found, it's just a shame it's such a pain to get your data out. I'd really love to see a "Download my Instagram Archive" feature like Twitter has.

Having access to the raw data is really fun. I was able to make a calendar for Mum this Christmas for example. When I added the location data download I also brought back a (rudimentary) version of the discontinued Instagram photo map.

map of instagram posts

This features all the countries I've been to (didn't go abroad before getting my Instagram account). I wonder what this will look like after a few more years...

I do worry about depending on Instagram as a means of personal archive in this way. However, I feel like now I have this format for extracting my data, that I have some portability to continue this elsewhere if Instagram stops working for me.