Using SPIFFE and OPA to Authenticate and Authorize Workloads


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Abstract #

What’s the highest value platform feature you can offer your Kubernetes tenants? It might be standardizing workload identity and policy controls. In this session, we will discuss desirable properties for a workload identity and present a modern architecture built on SPIFFE and cert-manager which uses Open Policy Agent (OPA) for policy decisions. This should leave you with actionable ideas to help you re-evaluate your workload identity functionality and security posture.

Photos #

photo of myself giving the talk photo credit: Greg Brown

photo of myself giving the talk at EIC photo credit: Anders Eknert

photo of myself giving the talk photo credit: DevSecOps London

photo of myself giving the talks photo credit: Salman Iqbal


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2023-05-11 EIC 2023

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2023-05-17 DevSecOps London

2023-05-17 - London, UK
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Links: Event Page

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