- The main thing that happened this week was my doing a mini and very wet DIY triathlon. I was keen to do at least the sprint distances but the biggest effort was 10 laps of Highgate hill on the bike. I did a longer swim too to make up for a short run due to recovery.
This was actually my first ever triathlon. I’ve had that as a New Year’s resolution for at least three years. Not sure it really counts but perhaps given the circumstances of 2020 I can let myself off?
- This week, after some home automation chat at work, I decided to get my pi-cluster up and running again. I’ve now got a very simple home-assistant setup to allow me to manage my non-HomeKit lights via Apple Home. It’s cool and I found it easy to install with the public Helm Chart. Hey Siri is back, after a brief period of downtime while I moved.
With the return of my personal cluster, comes my residential proxy. I run a simple service to make requests against Instagram APIs from here rather than cloud services since they’re blocked from almost everywhere. This is the one part that I still need to run myself after moving almost all recurring jobs to GitHub actions earlier in the summer. (Aside, this setup is powered by two wall sockets, one PoE device powers the router and access point, then one USB charger does everything else, even the modem using one of these)
- At work I’ve been trying to make sure I use my 20% time on building-jetstack, a culture initiative to make sure we continue to make Jetstack a fun place to work as we grow. I also helped organise a games afternoon where I played mostly codenames - this online version has saved my year!
- I went to the farmers market at Parliament Hill and was pleased to find a stall selling cheddar! I was told it was one of only four cheddars actually produced in Cheddar.
Week 10
November 1, 2020