Week 39: Hot Cross Fun

June 18, 2023

10th 'Crossing'. Given the amount of planning, prep and stress involved, it'd be misleading to start this week's update with anything other than the Highland Cross. This year was my 10th time completing the coast-to-coast duathlon. It was a hot one. While my time suffered to the tune of about 25 minutes on last year (when we had perfect conditions), I've little doubt I'll be anywhere else on the third Saturday of next June.

The event is completed for charity in fundraising teams of three. Big shoutout to Kerr and Nick for their efforts on the fundraising as well as on race day, tremendous.

Being physically able to take part, and having the flexibility and support from those around me to take part in this local spectacle is a huge privilege.

photo from the start of the highland cross Pete, Nick and myself at the start

event photo Still chipper at the top of the hill at least...

Web Dev. I've been working remotely from my parent's house this week. We've deployed new versions of the styra.com and openpolicyagent.org homepages. On the OPA site I've been able to make time for some HTML & CSS refactorings too which has been pretty satisfying as something of a late spring clean.

Personal Websites. On the topic of web dev... my friend's site has had a bit of a makeover. While browsing I stumbled across his shop! I've also been making some updates to serve images with a cache-buster on my own site.

Time at home. While I've been working and running too, it's felt like quite a very chill week. Lots of time with ma boi Alfie who gets very hot in the sun and wont let us brush out his thick coat. While the struggle to get a space on the sleeper train for my bike has meant I've been here for longer than planned, it's been a rare chance to decompress and enjoy being well looked after too.

alfie the dogo