Week 38: Turn Up the Heat

June 11, 2023

Sweaty. We've had some hot weather this week. It starts out nice, but it saps my energy quickly. I even had a nap on Saturday, anything else just seemed too sweaty. I'm off to Scotland again this week but it's unusually hot there too.

Splendid Rego. At work I've been helping with the launch of Regal, a linter project for OPA's declarative Rego language. Regal is the brainchild of my colleague Anders. I've mostly just been introducing concurrency bugs (and fixing them!). Share the love, and star the repo!

Such an occasion calls for all hands on deck, so Anders has been in London for the week. Working together in person is a rare treat these days. I also got to show off Leather Lane market and a one of my favorite lunchtime pubs!

working with Anders Watch us, we working! @ Holborn Bars

More SPIFFE, more OPA. I also had the chance to present this week at Cloud Platform Engineering London. I really liked the meet-up, another good crowd, & host!

I also attended the Cloud Native London meet-up this week where Anders debuted Regal!

me presenting on SPIFFE Me presenting on SPIFFE and OPA... again! Photo credit: Salman Iqbal

WWDC Aftermath. Some 'mildly interesting' details have emerged. Non-Safari browsers will be able to use passkeys in the iOS keychain. Safari at last gets profiles - I'm not sure I need them any more. App Intents, if adopted, ought to make it easier to automate apps from Shortcuts. I'm just hoping Shortcuts gets some maintenance, it's still really buggy. Sadly almost nothing for non-US Apple Wallet users. I also hope to make use of the Swift OpenAPI generator.

'People residing outside of Japan'. I had a little cry when I learned that I can't ride the 500km/h test train at the Maglev Exhibition Center. (I'm hoping to do another Japan trip next year though, so that will be good!).

fair in the square Pond Square, but not as you know it.

A weekend... at HOME! Anna and I had a lovely weekend just staying put. We went for a run to KOSSOFFS, to meet a friend, and do some plant shopping.

There's an annual fair in the local village up the hill - so we went to that for the first time. Quite a transformation for usually quiet place, it was great to see so many people! We picked up a few cards featuring the local area.

After a well deserved nap (for me), we went to see Hamilton, my 4th west end show! It was great, and yes the rapping is as fast as they say it is!

It's been too long. I rode my bike for the first time outdoors since July 20, 2022. It had been too long.