Week 46: Lakeland

August 13, 2023

The boys
The boys View

Lakeland. This weekend I’ve enjoyed my second Lake District trip of the year. This time with my two old flat mates Cale and Fred. Despite having a rather wet Saturday we managed to get in a lovely round of Blencathra in the evening sun on Friday and a long arc from Grasmere to Threlkeld on Sunday via Helvelyn and Great Dodd. We had some lovely meals at Fellinis, The Round and the Horse & Farrier at the end of a long day in Threlkeld.

Back to it. I’ve been recovering from my post-Canada jet leg and feeling a bit out of sync. Straight back to it at work with a last minute deadline for a KubeCon project update video. It takes me so long to set everything up for videos, maybe next time I’ll get a green screen!

Today’s Usage. I finally got some smart meters installed. I was considering going onto the hourly tracker tariff but apparently this isn’t advisable unless you can choose when much of your usage is - e.g. charging an electric car. Instead I’ve just stuck with the daily tracker.

Read it in a book. After finishing Hard Reset in Canada (which in many ways covers the topic of the destructive effects of capitalism on people associated with the video games industry), I’ve now started A Brief History of Neoliberalism. This has been a sobering read, and put much of my own personal economic privileges in context.