Week 78: Just Half

May 19, 2024

Identiverse demo preparation has been the focus for this week at work. I've been working on a fun little 'Viking Bank' app to exercise some of the Styra and OPA features.

Completions, in #709 I added a minimal completions provider for the Regal language server. This continues the exciting trajectory of making Regal a full-on OPA developer experience rather than 'just a linter'.

The First Shadow. I went to see 'that Stranger Things show' with a visiting school friend. They made great use of some awesome special effects and the rotating stage. It's set during the childhood years of some of the adult characters from the TV show. It's perhaps a little long, but I'd go again.

31:03.02, Megan Kieth's winning time in the women's elite race at The Night of the 10,000m PBs. We stumbled upon this last year and were keen to return and see a little more of the (17!) races, and watch them up close (you get to stand on the track). Noticeably busier this year as an Paris qualifying event, this is a local gem and I'll aim to go for as long as we live in the area.

Parkrun. We joined the 596th Hampstead Heath event this week. Chill times in preparation for...

Hackney Half 2024. Anna and I ran our first half marathon of the year. I've come round to the event; this year I really did love it. In years gone by it's felt overwhelming, but I've come to see the level of support as pretty special. It feels like a local event, and I like that. I ran 1:33, the target was 1:35 and not getting injured. Happy to say that no injuries from this to report yet.