
Building a contact list in Notion that works for me

June 6, 2020 Update March 2023: There's now a Notion API that would be a better way to do this. I also moved my contacts database to Airtable...

SemVer comparisons with OPA

May 8, 2020 Update: I've written a follow up post here explaining how I later added this functionality to Rego itself.

Introducing charlieegan3/infrastructure

December 8, 2019 Since starting at Jetstack I've spent much time building a personal Kubernetes cluster to run my various side projects. I no longer run anything on Heroku, Lamdba,...

Fun things I did in Rego while validating Christmas Trees

December 5, 2019 I've been working on fun project recently for the 'Christmas Show & Tell' event at the London Computation Club. At club show and tells there are...

What to do with all these cluster updates...

November 6, 2019 This year at work I've been building out a platform on Google's managed Kubernetes offering GKE. While GKE makes it easier to automate the provisioning and management...

Refunding my faulty Macbook with another EU consumer law claim

November 2, 2019 I recently got a faulty 2016 12" Macbook refunded by making an EU consumer law claim. I've done this once before in 2016; now more familiar with the...

'Please feel free to use a toilet' & other things I liked about Japan

October 26, 2019 I went to Japan last month. As we walked around I found myself enjoying the little differences more than anything else. Since returning, I've found myself talking...

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