
Refunding my faulty Macbook with another EU consumer law claim

November 2, 2019 I recently got a faulty 2016 12" Macbook refunded by making an EU consumer law claim. I've done this once before in 2016; now more familiar with the...

'Please feel free to use a toilet' & other things I liked about Japan

October 26, 2019 I went to Japan last month. As we walked around I found myself enjoying the little differences more than anything else. Since returning, I've found myself talking...

Running a cheap GKE cluster: Revisted

March 2, 2019 Beware: This is no longer possible with GKE's current pricing model. See here for more details. Last year I wrote a

Tracking all the plays or how I learned to stop worrying and build my own

November 20, 2018 Some of the information in this post is outdated as the project has evolved. I completed a major rewrite of the site at the end...

Running a wiki with Gollum on Kubernetes

September 1, 2018 Update: This is a pretty old post and uses some outdated Kubernetes API versions - beware! I've long been

Running a cheap GKE cluster with public ingress & zero load balancers

August 15, 2018 Beware: This is no longer possible with GKE's current pricing model. See here for more details.

Bringing Photoshop image-stacking to mobile with FFmpeg, Hugin, ImageMagick &

April 22, 2018 Update 2 I have taken down the live demo - there are now many apps that make this easy on phones.

Include posts from employer blogs