
Welcome to Android

November 3, 2017 For a series of reasons I recently bought a Google Pixel 2. I've been wanting a change of scene and to go back to Android for...

Back in the side-project groove

August 28, 2017 Update: The Borked demo is no longer running Since starting work full-time I've been lacking the energy and time for side

Terraform adventures: Deploy a serverless microservice ~2 mins

August 10, 2017 Warning: This post is outdated terraform destroy has been a game changer for my public cloud toy projects.

Terraform adventures: Host a static website ~5 minutes

July 16, 2017 I was in the market for a project to spend some more time with Terraform when I saw this prompt in the AWS console. Terraform...

500 kilometres of electric-car, west-coast exploring

June 24, 2017 I've been working on for the last few months. I fear it may be becoming all consuming as I felt compelled to write up our...

Fixing up my vimrc

March 26, 2017 After working closely with a proficient vim user on a summer internship; I started experimenting with vim during the summer of 2015. I made the usual mistakes...

How this website (currently) works

March 21, 2017 While has been my 'online home', my personal site has gone through various revisions. Personal websites are subject to an above average level of...

Include posts from employer blogs