...and we're back. Over Christmas I took some time off my notes and messages. Sorry if you've had a slow reply from me. It piled up a bit and that seemed to make the procrastination spiral harder to crack. I like my weeknotes and I'd like to keep writing them, so here goes.
I am back at the MegaDesk™ after a week of digital 'nomadding' last week in Norfolk. While I have a pretty good on-the-road set-up with a laptop stand, mouse and keyboard, getting back to the desk feels like coming home. The MegaDesk™ also has a gaming PC and I've been able to play some more WWZ with the boys and some with Anna too. Everyone in my life likes blasting zombies apparently.

Barbican Cinema Cafe. A return to routine means returning to the Barbican Cinema Cafe on Tuesday. I have one day a week in London and it's jam packed with good stuff like coffee with a friend, curry with friends, badminton with friends, co-working with friends. It's all good and I feel lucky to have Tuesdays setup like this.
Calling All VS Code Users: very soon we'll be pushing an update to the OPA VS Code extension that supports live linting of Rego. All the functionality has been merged and released. We just need to get the VS Code Marketplace listing updated too.
Bounce. I went to Bounce for the first time with my London-based-cousins. Battersea, I don't love it, but with the Northern line extension it has become a practical location to meet people I like and do things I enjoy.
Highbury Parkrun. Rocked up at Highbury Fields on Saturday after being away for nearly 10 years and bashed out a personal course PB. It's lappier and busier than I remember, but still has the good Parkrun vibe and less mud than expected... Post Parkrun brunch was a welcome addition to the Saturday routine.
On the Road, again. Theoretically it's been a quiet start to 2024, much less travel but it's still felt busy. Anyway, this week marks the start of this years bigger trips, starting with an off-site for work in Cancún. It will be a busy week and it's a long way (via Toronto), but I'm excited to meet folk again and for the first time - also snorkeling!?