Granny. My grandmother passed away peacefully on the morning of Christmas eve. She wasn't in pain, had family with her and was able to receive many visitors from afar in her last week with us. We will miss her.

Norfolk for Christmas. Anna and I travelled out to North Norfolk to spend Christmas with her family & Bramble (their Collie dog). It's been helpful to spend time cooking, walking and relaxing with family.
K is for Kings Lynn. Not a new letter but Kings Lynn Parkrun this week was flat, fast, and festive. Happy Christmas everyone.
Regal. We started watching the final season of the crown, for now Dominic West and # Elizabeth Debicki carry the show, but we've yet to encounter the dreaded Ghost of Diana... We also listened to the real kings speech while cheffing up Christmas dinner.
RX 6700 XT. Gaming PC building continues... and, after much deliberation, I opted to buy a used Sapphire Radeon RX 6700 XT GPU from CEX. Wading through strong opinion online is hard work, but I'm hoping that if 18yo Charlie can build a gaming PC, so can this one.