KubeCon. I've been at KubeCon this week, KubeCon is a large, twice yearly conference hosted by the Cloud Native Computing Foundation. I attended this year representing the Open Policy Agent open source project and Styra. In practise, this meant a lot of time at the OPA Kiosk in the 'project pavilion', and presenting the 'Maintainer Track' session for OPA.
KubeCon is a full-on event, and when it's over I breath a sigh of relief. At the same time, I always find it to be a worthwhile experience. Speaking to appreciative and interested OPA users & contributors; catching up with old friends; dipping toes in a new city - all in, it's great.
Chicago. Had I left on Thursday evening, the McCormick Place Convention Centre would have been my prominent impression of the city - and this would have been a crying shame. Thanks in part to some flight pricing optimisation, instead I find my self sitting at ORD on a Sunday afternoon - three days wiser - waiting to fly home. I've enjoyed great food, lake walks and historic architecture. I've almost 'hailed' more rides this week than all my previous history, but have had some fun drivers. One starting his next graphic design gig tomorrow; another doing marketing for up-and-coming artists in the Chicago music scene was interested to learn about the London music culture. Photos to come...
HomeLab Shopping. Project '10gig Home' continues. I did some shopping here in Chicago and have saved myself about £200 on a motherboard and a 10g fibre Thunderbolt adapter. Slightly scary moment when I forgot to book expedited delivery, but it all got here in time - all's well that ends well.
Tailscaling. In addition to hanging out with some folks from Tailscale this week, I've been learning about Subnet Routers and how their NAT traversal works. Their blog is really good reading, another suggested post. I'm also planning some family and friends services backed by tsnet.