Week 76: May Day

May 5, 2024

May Day. It's the start of the summer now and we've had the weather to prove it too which is a bonus.

The Mountain Trail was exactly that. In fact, it was rather more mountainous than expected with a peak gradient of over 40 percent! Still made for a stunning family day out.

Locals. On a round the block run on Tuesday, we bumped into, and caught up two of my school friends’ parents that I'd not seen since the before times. Long overdue!

Sutor Creek is still going strong in Cromarty and facilitated the first 2024 edition of Pizza Ride™. Dad joined for the return leg of this one and enjoyed the abundant Skylark song. This concluded our trip up North, we had amazing weather from start to finish and zero rail troubles on top of that. The sleeper continues to be a great way to traverse (almost) the entire country a bike.

In a surprise turn of events, Parkrun happened in Hampstead Heath again for the first time since February. We brought the nice weather with us back to London it seems and so we enjoyed a sunny start to the weekend.

Stealing liberally from the ICC route book again, we enjoyed the 'Llama Loop' this Sunday for our ride. This week has been defined by the pressure of a looming half marathon later this month on running, while also wanting to mostly cycle bikes and chill.

No work to report this week as I've been on annual leave. Back to it on Tuesday!